Sunday, January 20, 2013

Creating Limited PayPal Account for Support / Contractors

When collaborating with a project, sometimes you would have to share logins like login for your PayPal account. Some of us might be uncomfortable doing it even with the most trusted people on your team.

If you are using a business account for PayPal, you can easily create a limited account (think can edit buttons and stuff but not trasnfer money).

Read the steps below to learn how to create a PayPal user with limited access

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Uploading Videos via Dropbox

It is not recommended to upload files greater than a few hundred kilobytes through a browser. Large files can be extremely slow-loading, and often time out (can cause errors in Kajabi).

One way of going around this is by using Dropbox (it could work with similar cloud storage / file hosting services as long as the file would be publicly available).

The idea is to use Kajabi's "Add Media from URL" feature. Instead of you uploading the file via the browser, you upload the file through the dropbox servers via the dropbox client and Kajabi gets the file from there.

Deleting Images on the Asset Bag

Kajabi is currently working on an improved asset bag where you can delete images, however it has not yet been implemented.

Here's a workaround though:

Kajabi already uses an early version of the updated asset bag in the Squeeze Page, you can see it when you upload a squeeze page header.
- Edit any squeeze page
- Under "CHOOSE A CUSTOM HEADER IMAGE" click on "Choose New"
- It will list all images in the asset bag, you can click on the delete button (looks like a trash can) below the image that you want to be removed

Monday, January 14, 2013

Trouble with Bulk User Import / CSV upload

For those wondering what to do when you bulk upload users in Kajabi, this article might help.

Here's some things you might have encountered
- Preview Shows Blank
- Getting Errors
- No users are created

Video Playback Aborted Error

Did you ever encountered or had a user complain of an error message on Google Chrome when playing Kajabi videos.

Error Message:
The video playback was aborted due to a corruption problem or because the video used features your browser did not support

Here's what the error looks like: